Saturday, December 23, 2023

Archive shot and musings.

 A shot of Eli Pontecorvo and me at the Berkeley Arts Festival Building. Extensive blogging was done here during three or four years' of events hosted by Mika Pontecorvo at the place. Fun times were had within that building and its nearby environs. Such a nice little corner of the realm. It's probably very different now, and that's what happens.

Currently I find myself in Tucson. It's been raining pretty steadily for over one full day now. The sights of the surrounding mountains swathed in clouds, a kind of slightly shimmery green (from the saguaro) reflection tinting them, is really lovely. Rain washed rocks glimmer in the muted light of day and from car headlights of evening. Drops hit puddles and reverberate for moments. There are such sights here. Don't even get me started on the sunsets and the way that they sometimes illuminate some of the grasses in our yard. 

This year is almost ended now. I still haven't played music in public. I have established one situation that has managed to last over one year now. It remains compelling to me; some of the sounds that this particular grouping gets are inspiring and very cool to me. Can't say if they'll ever be presented to some sort of public. Lately I've been shrugging, Tony Soprano style, and muttering "...what are you gonna do....". That verbal trope applies here. Situations that are organic must develop organically. A second musical situation that involves other people is brand new, and I can't tell what to make of it just yet. That sorting of thinking, is it really even relevant anymore? Cue Gandolfini's main character here...

Piano is still a priority here. Just today I found fingerings that could achieve some pretty good Reggae type voices from the instrument. I have a witness, too! 

Just finished Thurston Moore's current autobiography. Really fascinating, the way he finished it with Sonic Youth's demise as a touring, working group. So many connections that man has made! Impressive. 

Anyway, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and here's to hoping for many Blessings to all. Over and out for now. 

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