Sunday, May 8, 2022

Archive pic and musings....


Playing with Crow Crash Radio at Free Oakland UP! Oakland CA 2014. A small kit with mallets, and buzzing cymbal, Brian Strang art in view, at a store that gives stuff away. Just about perfect for me.

Today marks two years since I did any kind of public performance. Little did I know on 5/8/2020 that twenty four months later I'd be basically retired from that sort of thing. At the time, I was riding high within a small, but very rich, musical world. I absolutely loved running around and playing at any show or jam or rehearsal that I could be part of. Seriously, homey was into it. I had long before given up aspirations beyond anything more than those rather humble musical activities, and was fine with appreciating just being able to do those sorts of things. So, on this day, 5/8/2022, I have to say  that I savor any and all memories and mementos from those times, because they're pretty gone. It's been painful at times, but I've also had many insights and blessings as I've moved away from that sort of musical pursuit. My life has changed drastically, which, really, has been super cool and groovy, despite of the absence of music (except for listening to recordings). 

Many musicians have started to get back to their musical pursuits, and bully for them! I'm happy for them, and I wish for all their successes, in whatever way that means for them. I will continue my "absent for the foreseeable future" stance as regards those pursuits of my own. I now reside about 1000 miles away from my musical stomping grounds of the years 1989-2020, in a town where I don't have contacts. At 51 years, I can't really fathom the idea of "breaking into the scene", nor would I even want to do that. There are plenty of hard charging kids out there, and they rock, and swing, and jam, etc. My fun's been had, let 'em have the space. Rules for participation have changed, and the new rules are abhorrent to me, so there's that, too. 

Ultimately, I have given it to God. If it's needed for me to be active in music again, He wills it. If He does not, then that is God's will, and that's fine too. 

OK, I'm digging in to Metallica's Lulu CD, so I'll leave it there until whenever.........

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