Friday, February 7, 2025

PAC Trio live audio up at!

Five years to the day since this show occurred. Why Josh Allen is not given more recognition within the Jazz/Improvised Music scene I don't know but it's a shame. The man was built to play the tenor saxophone. Doing music with Josh was draining but worth it. Over Christmas time I was in the Bay, and actually at the Downtown Berkeley BART station, a place where Josh has been known to busk over the years. I hoped to have seen him but he was not there, sadly. 


Friday, January 24, 2025

Allen/Cohen/Pino trio music up at!

With hindsight there may have been some political feathers ruffled by this grouping. It was fun though and challenging and oh how I wish I could play with those two slayers again. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Update on 1/22 Golden Saguaro show

 Due to illness I will not be performing. I am suffering from a bad and painful flu bug. A tough decision but out of an abundance of caution...

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Performing this Wednesday at Golden Saguaro!


This Wednesday, 1/22, I will be a participant in an event called Drums Against Fascism. Currently I'm reading Anti-Oedipus by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, a work which posits itself as being one of anti-fascism. Interesting. 


Golden Saguaro


Gym Shower

Cullen Chadwick/Mark Pino Duo

Drums Against Fascism open improvisation


There will also be a set from Tucson Marxist band The Working People after this event. I may have to leave early because I have a job that has me arising at 5:20 AM in order to get there on time. They played a live set on KXCI last Sunday and were sounding great. A two-tiered evening of musical community in Tucson!

Monday, December 30, 2024

Clip of short performance of David Boyce and me up at!

The soundtrack to a Decoy Gallerina dance piece, 2003 at Brainwash Cafe in SOMA District, San Francisco. I've written about this piece before, years ago, and their is also YouTube footage. Up at the Archive for posterity. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Infinite Plastic Internal live at Cafe Colonial up at!

NorCal Noise Fest did not happen this year, and that's a drag. I had so much fun doing that festival over a number of years. Here is an example of one of those experiences. Please support!