Friday, February 7, 2025

PAC Trio live audio up at!

Five years to the day since this show occurred. Why Josh Allen is not given more recognition within the Jazz/Improvised Music scene I don't know but it's a shame. The man was built to play the tenor saxophone. Doing music with Josh was draining but worth it. Over Christmas time I was in the Bay, and actually at the Downtown Berkeley BART station, a place where Josh has been known to busk over the years. I hoped to have seen him but he was not there, sadly. 


Friday, January 24, 2025

Allen/Cohen/Pino trio music up at!

With hindsight there may have been some political feathers ruffled by this grouping. It was fun though and challenging and oh how I wish I could play with those two slayers again. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Update on 1/22 Golden Saguaro show

 Due to illness I will not be performing. I am suffering from a bad and painful flu bug. A tough decision but out of an abundance of caution...

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Performing this Wednesday at Golden Saguaro!


This Wednesday, 1/22, I will be a participant in an event called Drums Against Fascism. Currently I'm reading Anti-Oedipus by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, a work which posits itself as being one of anti-fascism. Interesting. 


Golden Saguaro


Gym Shower

Cullen Chadwick/Mark Pino Duo

Drums Against Fascism open improvisation


There will also be a set from Tucson Marxist band The Working People after this event. I may have to leave early because I have a job that has me arising at 5:20 AM in order to get there on time. They played a live set on KXCI last Sunday and were sounding great. A two-tiered evening of musical community in Tucson!