Friday, March 17, 2017

Pure Finder-Luggage Store Gallery, SF CA; 3/16/17

A very musically busy month of March came to end for me last night at the Luggage Store, at least as far as performances go.
A fun way to wrap it up, too.
Andrew and I were not able to get a rehearsal for Pure Finder's first gig of 2017 in. However, we did formulate a plan: keep things stripped down and simple. As such, I brought only a few percussion items: waterphone, singing bowl, 18" roto tom, a few small gongs. Enough gear to have to make only one mercifully short trip from my parked car on 6th St. to the Luggage Store's interior. Andrew had three very small synth-type modules. Easy.
We started out with some pretty quiet sounds, as per plan; this lead to a few more dense spaces. I had fun coaxing long tones out of the singing bowl, mic'd and plugged in to the house pa, with a long screw. Andrew got percussive blips and chatters. After a bit of this action, I switched to the roto tom, getting bending notes from its very malleable head.
This action cruised a long for a while until mad genius sound producer Philip Everett joined us on his synth rig, still set up from his Skull Krusher set. Louder trio interaction was the result. We generated some real mayhem! Totally fun and noisy! Call it Pure Krusher I guess!
Inside of this maelstrom, I stopped to read a few short lyrics from Tu Fu. I wasn't sure how that would go down, but Andrew didn't mind, thankfully. The set ended with a nice organic full stop, after which I recited my haiku for Herbie Lewis. It was on my mind to do so for some reason.
Another fun night of music at the Luggage Store, thanks to Outsound.
I have no gigs lined up for April, so may have to go quiet here for a while. We'll see....

Below: minimal set ups for Pure Finder

Above: one of my all-time favorite SF buildings. Not sure of its name, glad it's not been blocked by the rapid high rise development yet

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