Saturday, May 11, 2024

Archive pic and musings


Crow Crash Radio in the eastern part of Piedmont District, Oakland CA around 2011. 

For some reason we needed a group photo. My wife took this and bunch of others just outside of our rented apartment on Edgewood Ave. I think it's not bad as far as band photos go. Maybe because I'm in the middle, haha. That neighborhood was sweet: very much within walking distance we had a decent market, a veterinary clinic, some good to great restaurants and all of this topped off with what could be a fabulous view of the San Francisco Bay. Good stuff all around. I will also add that taking walks in that district was always a pleasure. 

I was pondering blogging about some recent "negativity", but looking at the sunlight in this photo makes me forget all the ego bullshit, especially as regards really minor and stupid occurrences. God bless you and may your road rise up to meet you. 

Off to other things.

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